Movie Plot:
A thoughtful and moving story of a sixteen-year-old boy who learns to deal with the unique difficulties of becoming an adult in Sarajevo in the 1960's. YoungDino Zolje grows up under the shadow of his good, but ailing father and gets attracted by the world of small time criminals. Then comes Dolly Bell, a lovely cabaret girl that turns his world upside down.Emir Kusturica's first film Do You Remember Dolly Bell? is a bittersweet comedy set in the former Yugoslavia during the 1960s. The film, which won the Golden Lion Prize at the 1981 Venice Film Festival, is both a coming of age story and a tribute to the city of Sarajevo, long before it was devastated by civil war . To the chagrin of his strict Communist father (Slobodan Aligrudic), sixteen-year old Dino (Slavo Stimac) is more into hypnosis and self-help mantras than Marxist ideology. He recites the phrase "Every day in every way I'm getting better and better" and sings in a new band mandated by the local Eastern European bureaucracy as they relax the Communist grip and allow some influence of Western culture. Excellent, deep, yet simple movie, spirit of innocence with deep fillings.
A thoughtful and moving story of a sixteen-year-old boy who learns to deal with the unique difficulties of becoming an adult in Sarajevo in the 1960's. Young
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