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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Literary Translation: A Practical Guide

Literary Translation: A Practical Guide
by Clifford E. Landers
Publisher: Multilingual Matters Limited (December 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1853595195
ISBN-13: 978-1853595196
A useful, entertaining primer for translators
The author’s purpose, he says in a preface, is to yield discipline to “work a approach through, to make use of a Borgesian metaphor, a clearly gigantic intricacy of forking paths” (read choices) in you do a well read translation. Additionally, his is “a practical, not a fanciful guide. While we have no argue with theorists, in speculation during least, this is a get-your-hands-dirty, wrestle-with-reality sort of book.” Its calm speaks to Landers’s success in achieving his goal. He sets a brisk, colloquial, as well as mostly ungodly tinge upon a opening page, where he reproduces his interpretation of a “Night Drive,” a chilling vignette by a remarkable Brazilian bard Rubem Fonseca. From there he deals, mostly episodically, with questions of technique such as: Getting started, stages of translation, fluency as well as transparency, instrumentation vs. translation, tone, register, as well as alternative topics commencement as well as some-more gifted translators need to know. There have been additionally equipment not to be found in some-more required texts: A day in a hold up of a well read translation, a hijacked author, when not to interpret informative cues, novella as well as footnotes, publishing or “pornography?”, English prior to there was English, as well as my favorite, “stalking a fraudulent typo.” In a book’s reduction sparkling though required last section, “The Working Translator,” Landers deals with some-more paltry matters-e.g., translator’s collection such as dictionaries as well as anxiety books, taxes, environment a fee, workspaces, contracts, as well as copyright. Several typographical errors (one of a many comical is Stewart Potter for Potter Stewart) will hopefully be prepared in a destiny edition, as well as an index would have been useful. Still, this is a many present as well as entertaining of any work aiming during a would-be well read translator.

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